Kitten Gallery Previous Kittens that have now gone to their new homes Coco was always a very confident little girl, getting herself into all sorts of mischeif, which normally her litter mates would end up copying!
Willow has a very pretty girls name, (I most reconise it from Buffy the vampire slayer) but he's a boy! Fudge is a clumsy kitten, falling of things. This could be due to the fact he's so laid back. As the expression goes, so laid back he could fall over. Not sure he has to take it so literally lol Lola was so loving as a kitten, most of ours are but she took this to the extreme. Between that and her stunning looks, it was so hard to let her go. We really wanted to keep her, but our boy was obviously her father, making it impossible! Ziggy is Fudges younger brother. He was a nosey kitten, wanting to know what everything was. He had a really loud meow and wasn't afraid to use it as often as he could. Not forgetting to do it all the way home! Tiddles wasn't given his name because he didn't use his litter tray. In fact ironically he was the first out of his little to get the idea. Even as a tiny kitten, he had the most capturing eyes!
Bubbles AKA Adora Bubble- Bubbles was one of our very 1st Reds here. He was probably the laziest in the litter, proving that cats really do sleep anywhere!
Bear AKA Bearkins
Pixie is named after a Disney princess, as her new owner is crazy about Disney. She had the most gentle loving nature, always looking for a cuddle.
Schnitzel & Chewy Named by the children. These two brothers left together. One of the main reasons for this, is they were about to meet their new brother, that was at home waiting for them. Take a look at who it is, under "look at us now"
Blue Mitted
Coco Pops
Red Tabby Iggy is not a kitten easily forgotton here at Startopcat. One day I went into the nursery and he back leg was double in size and he couldn't walk. We rushed him to the the vet, who done scans, then xrays of his leg, to try and determine the cause. In the end, out of desparation, the vet shaved his leg to find he had a small bite on it, and all this was a reaction! So all he really needed was some anti allergy treatment! Cost me a fortune, but was well worth it to see him back to his old self in a few days. Star Top Cat Ragdolls ![]() *Gillingham** Kent * * UK * * Mobile 07769606096 * ![]() ![]()
Pixie AKA Pixabelle
Seal Colourpoint ![]() The name Bear was only nickname, given to him due to his size. Like with most nicknames it stuck! Along with his size! Bear lives with his sister Pixie (pictured above) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Spook ![]()
Spook is a great example that not all kittens are born cute.
To be fair he had a rough start, trouble with feeding from a bottle, eating and obviously gaining weight. But wow how he has changed! Go to "look at us now and take a look". Spook was lucky enough to leave with his brother Milo. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Blue Colourpoint
No you're not going mad, she's a blue colourpoint named Coco!
I Had forgotton until I updated the website that Coco was a hairband theif! and it made no differace where I put them she seemed to find them, then walk round carrying them in her mouth. ![]()
Blue Mitted
Elvis was a very endearing little chap, quite reserved, never assuming .He would like a cuddle, but as a rule we would have to go and get it. Then he would be a real little purrer, lapping up the attention! Mum was a bit worried about choosing his pedigree name, anyone tthat knows mne, knows names are not my strong point. Well that day out of the blue I came up with Blue Suede Shoes!
Last but by no means least we have Jasper & Elsa. Sanja their mummy is cat CRAZY, she already had 4 cats from us, when she came to look at Jasper. She promised long suffering hubby, just 1 more. Then she saw Elsa, who had a terrible start and we were literally fighting for her life every day. The vets told me I was probably wasting my time. Anyway Sanja took one look at Elsa and it was obvious she wasn't going without her too! Look under Look at us now, you will see how Elsa along with her brothers and sisters have landed on all four paws. They now have another new eidition called Tigger, Sanja rescued this boy, had so much dental work etc done on him, and now he's part of the fur family.
Jasper & Elsa
Red Tabby & Seal Tortie Tabby Mitted |