Star Top Cat Ragdolls *Gillingham** Kent * * UK * * Mobile 07769606096 *
Champion Coco
Chocolate Colourpoint (DNA tested and proven)
Coco was born here with us. She absolutly adores her sister Lilo, following her everywhere. She is the most reserved cat we have, never forcing herself on us for attention. She has a very cheeky nature and loves a paper bag!
Coco has 2 CC's only one more needed for her to be a champion! We are very proud of her.
Champion Tia Seal Colourpoint Tia was born here with us. She has a very gentle way about her and loves a cuddle. She has recently been to show and has become a Champion! We are really proud of her and we are looking forward to showing her again in the near future. Millie
Seal Tortie Tabby Mitted Millie has larger than life charater and really stunning with her beautiful tortie markings. In personality she is bomb proof, nothing bothers or worries her. She never causes any trouble and is as good as gold. She is very confident and content, a real little gem. Grand Champion Bertha Seal Mitted Bertha was born here with us. She was our little miracle, not because she had a bad start or anything like that, but we have waited, for what seems like forever, for a perfectly marked seal mitted female, that we could show. We have had so many males over the years but never a girl. She also has the most endearing nature to go with it. We couldn't wait to show her and she has done us so very proud, she has seen 3 judges and gained 3 Challenge Certificates, in 2 shows, you can't do better than that Bertie!!!and now go on to Overall Best Ragdoll 2016! We are so impressed with her.
Champion Gertrude
Blue Bi Colour Gertrude was born here with us. Little Gertie was never meant to stay here, she was to destined to go and help someone else with their breeding programme. She made such an impression here, that we all felt that moving her to a new home wouldn't be benificial to her. So now she will stay with us and still help with their breeding programme from here.
Grand Champion Startopcat Just-Bootiful
Overall Best Ragdoll
CH Startopcat Pride-N-Joy
Best Colourpoint Female |