Star Top Cat Ragdolls *Gillingham** Kent * * UK * * Mobile 07769606096 * Show News!!! We are so very proud of all their progress on the show bench. So far we have had 7 titled cats!! Three grand Champion and also 4 Champions all home bred!!! Bertha became a champion in record time, she did it all in 2 weeks!!! She then went on to become a grand champion! Tia became our 4th Champion! Gizmo became a Grand Champion Lilo also became a Champion. Which maked her only the 2nd ever lilac cat to become a UK champion.
Gertie also became a champion !
Not forgetting
Best Colourpoint Male
Best Colorpoint Female
Best Mitted Female
Best Mitted Ragdoll
Best Ragdoll Adult
Best Overall Ragdoll
Our cats have been awarded the followng... Teddy became a Champion and then he went on to become a Grand Champion! |